Here are the levels of Monthly Giving and Benefits:
$1-$49- FRIEND- Your name will appear on our website as one who gives, but is a tad cheap. This thoughtful donation can be used towards diapers and goldfish crackers for the month.
$50-$149- PATRON- Your name will also appear on our website with a small picture. This donation can pay for one child’s medication per month- sanity in a bottle.
$150- $499- PACESETTER- With this level of generosity you will have a large picture on our website bragging about how wonderful you are, we will mail you an 8x10 portrait of our family, and you will most likely go to heaven. This donation will help pay for a few therapy sessions each month!
$500- $999- ANGEL- As an example of kindness and love you will have a link on our website with a biography stating just how wonderful you are. We will mail you an 11x17 portrait of our family; you will definitely go to heaven and will probably even sit pretty close to St. Peter. At this level of donation you will be able to help us buy things like, therapeutic swings, weighted blankets, headphones for therapeutic listing and more!
$1000- $4999- CHAMPION- Seriously, need I say all of the wonderful things that will surely happen in your life? Heaven is an absolute, there will definitely be a mansion waiting, and you will have lots of money and friends on earth. At this level you will change a child’s life forever! We would be able to buy specialized beds, completely child-proof our home and even pay for around-the-clock care for a special little fellow.
$5000 +- HERO- Enough said. You would not only be our hero, but everyone else’s. There will be books and legends all about how much you truly care and support needy children all over Beaverton! We would be able to take our little ones to places like, Paris, Italy, Switzerland and more! Hey, we could even build a house on a lake for our family!
Baked Goods- DEALER- If money is not plentiful do not fret- there are other ways to make a difference. Sugar and chocolate- enough said. Now, this is not really for the children, but more of a coping mechanism for the parents. The only thing I can say as far as benefits are concerned is that you can also make baked good for yourself at the same time. That way we will all be fat and happy!

So, mail your donations today to: Pond Vision International, PO Box Care, Beaverton, OR 77777 (God’s favorite number).
As hard as this is for me to say, I truly believe that God has a plan in all this and we are just waiting to see what it is. Josh and I are planning to take a step back and figure out what to do next and where we are supposed to be. Is God leading us in a different direction or are we learning what dependence on God really looks like? Through it all, I am so thankful for my husband and family- I love my life and would not change anything about it (well, except for the whole passing the bar thing).